When it came to the audio to my thriller opening sequence, I decided that I would add non-diegetic music to created the dark, suspicious atmosphere required to keep the audience attentive. There would still be the occasional diegetic sounds, such as the match lighting or the scissors cutting, to emphasis their meaning.
Unfortunately, when I started with my sequence I did not realise it would be more practical to commence with the audio and then cut the video to fit the music. However, once the sequence's had been cut accordingly and was ready for the sound, I was able to cut the music to be in sink with what the viewer would see on the screen. Therefore, I believe it made it better as there was more of a story to the opening sequence.
When I first started with my music, I was going to compose it myself using Garage Band. However, I was not achieving the sounds or effects I was looking for, so I moved on to searching a song that could be used and edited to fit my opening sequence. The song's lyrics had to have meaning and relate to the story of my thriller, therefore I researched songs including the lyrics similar to 'I'm crazy' or something related to being interested or 'obsessed' with somebody else. I tended to look at famous songs sung by new YouTube artists in search of fame to have a different, unknown voice singing the song. This would signify the way the villain is a known character, appear normal but has something different that's hidden from first sight.
The song 'Crazy' by Gnarls Barkley, cover by Daniela Andrade, was a good choice when taking into consideration the lyrics and pace at which it was going:
However, after being added to the sequence and edited slightly to fit the video, I realised that it did not match the mood of the thriller as it was too slow paced while the sequence is more fast paced, and there wasn't enough of what I wished to portray in the meaning of the lyrics. So my search continued...
After researching many more songs, I came across a song that had the slightly creepy, dark and sinister atmosphere required. The song is a cover of Beyonce's second version of 'Crazy In Love', sung by a young YouTube artist named Sofia Karlberg:
This song is perfect as it set the right atmosphere between both locations, making it clear to the audience through sound, as well as through the editing, that they were related and intertwined. This song starts with the instrumentals and singing in the minor key, making it clear what type of film it will be. Further along the beat changes, making things more intense as there is more occurring and things are faster paced, which emphasises the danger.
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