Saturday 1 November 2014

Filming Schedule Plan

As I only have four scheduled days to use the cameras, I need to get as much done as I possibly can in this time. For this reason I have created a 'Filming Schedule Plan' to remind me what to have with me when I go out filming, and how much I plan to film each day.

Day One - For my first time filming I shall be filming by myself, in Location 1 aka 'the villain's lair' (my bedroom desk). Although my hands will be in the shots, this will not be a problem as I will start the recording, place myself in the shot, play out the shot and then stop the recording accordingly. Any excess footage will then be deleted when it comes to editing.
When filming these scenes I will need:
  • Camera and Tripod
  • Three sided mirror
  • Nail varnish
  • Watch
  • Scissors
  • Straw
  • Hairbrush with mirror
  • Matches
  • Candles
Day Two - Second day filming I plan to have a group of nine actors meet me in Beckenham Recreation Park to film the group scenes. This is where the stalker will anonymously be introduced into the crowd of friends. Here I will take long shots of the group together, making sure that no faces are visible from a far, and many close ups and extreme close ups of the props to creates narrative enigmas and snares.
When filming these scenes I will need:
  • Camera and Tripod
  • All actors
  • Watch,
  • Straw/drink,
  • Hairbrush with mirror
Day Three - Finish filming any footage from Day Two (or Day One if necessary).

Day Four - Reshoot anything unfinished or that needs changing from previous shooting.

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