Sunday 16 November 2014

The Missing Title Sequnce Analysis

'The Missing' title sequence explains the plot of the series perfectly through every technique used.
Even without the music the viewer is able to understand the concept of the series, however the music does truly help when setting the scene by starting off with a bang that fades out, insinuating something has already happened. Then a woman begins to sing how they 'pray each day, may you come home and be okay'. Clearly showing that someone has gone missing. The tone of voice has a dreamlike effect as she sounds distant, while the sounds we hear beyond her voice are unusual and unnerving, to create tension, and finish with a ringing sound that intensifies at the end.
The footage we see nearly all refers to a child. Such as the low angle shot in the car, to demonstrate the point of view a child would have or the swing, teddy bear, drawings and so on. Some are more direct, for instance the child disappearing into the crowd to imply that he may have been taken in plain sight. Furthermore there are shots of locations: the woods, houses, a pool... these hint at where the child was taken from or where he has been taken to. The car driving around adds to this idea as there is a toy bear in the car and, as before, the low angle shot of the car window.
Effects have been used to give a dreamlike effect by either layering footage or making the colours appear faded with usual outbursts. Some shots tend to go faster than others, giving the impression that time is running out for the child. It is also to make the viewer feel disoriented, as the child most likely would be. Other shots are slower, to give the audience the time to understand the significance of the shot. The yellow ring in the pool is even repeated several times to emphasise it's importance, although it doesn't become clear until the audience watches the show.
The titles are white and in capitals to represent the child's innocence and the urgency in being found. Most titles blur into focus to convey how everything will fall into place and make sense as the series proceed.

After watching 'The Missing' title sequence, I have found the dreamlike effect in the editing influential and have decided to incorporate it into my own opening. I found that it brings another dimension and meaning to the sequence which will work nicely the villains point of view.

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