Sunday 28 September 2014

Conventions of a Thriller

A thriller is a genre that uses three main factors (suspense, tension and excitement) in order to thrill the audience. There are four main thriller subgenres: psychological, dystopian, mystery and crime thrillers and they all tend to follow similar patterns. For example, they all build towards a climax using plot twists and many also use cliff-hangers. The conventions of a thriller film are usually used in all subgenres in order to fulfil its purpose by 'thrilling' the audience, however they may vary. The thriller conventions are:
  • Suspense
  • A problem - escape, mission, murder, mystery
  •  Fight and chase scenes
  • Wrong or misleading clues
  • Puzzles in plot (unanswered questions)
  • Location
  • Dark background
  • Abstract light
  • Camera angles
  • Camera movements
  • Titling
  • Music/Sound

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